Tuesday, November 14, 2017

day 8: charity and hope

"There are all sorts of things in this world that offer to give it to you, but they never quite keep their promise."

When you chase a feeling, depend on a feeling, give everything to keep this feeling alive, in the end what are you truly holding on to? You've been grasping a fistful of sand and when it all eventually trickles out you wonder if there was something else you could have been holding on to.

But when you invest your life into something substantial, something just a little bit more than an emotion, you find that you're on the right path when God multiplies the blessing. Like digging and digging until you strike water and what was once empty is now full of life.

For the longest time I was so fixated on making the right decision, and to be honest I still am, that I dug myself into the dirt with my head in the sand waiting for instructions that were never meant to be given.

You can read all about it, but if you're not practicing it, then you're not learning. Just do it.

Just do it.

Take the risk, get hurt, fall down,

but never stay down.

Get up, do it again, fall better this time.

"Do not waste time bothering whether you 'love' your neighbor; act as if you did."

i've convinced myself many times of the things that I'm not that I actually was, more importantly, i've convinced myself even more times that I am something that I am not.

but there is one thing that needs no convincing, and that is that there is hope within Christ. I keep hearing about it, seeing other people experience it, losing their lives over this "hope." I don't know exactly what it is, but that is something I want to fall and hurt myself for. over and over and over again.

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