Saturday, May 2, 2009

How sucks are we?!

So apparently the SWINE FLU is very alive, killing almost 100 people. ONE HUNDRED PEOPLE. (but no one cares that the seasonal flu that kills hella more, but don't tell anyone!)

anyways, i decided to TAKE action and google it some. It sez for me to prevent getting it, i should wash my hands regularly (which means at least every 13 seconds). Since I obviously don't have the luxury of a portable sink, i needed some hand sanitizer. Looking at the Hand Santizing section of the local safety way, I was appalled.

They only killed 99.99% of germs.

Wadahell man. I want to prevent sickness, not get infected by the .01% of germs that i want to avoid. stupid humanity has failed me once again.

Now I'm just waiting to hear that swine flu alters the slogan to


damn humans

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