Saturday, June 21, 2008

Uhhh I forgot

It was too hot to type, so I didnt. I r sorry.

I forget what I did Thursday. On Friday...I went to new park, yep. With the Jonster. Bought two shirts (as always) then went to church, where it was hot-sauce.
Went to Daiso too... just for fun.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH, yes that is moi.
hmm. So I ninja-sauce-like turned on the A/C of the church. Daring it is, i might get in trouble, maybe. It was for the greater good of the church, God wanted it too, i think. I'm very unsure. :O

Today is Saturday, went to church at liek, 10 : 30. Then stayed until 5 :| W/e. Then me and JaxHoe played bball and he beat me

now he's playing guitar zero and i'm typing this.

As promised bed hair

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