Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day 6 of Summer

Day 6 of Summer : Tuesday

Today I woke up at the abnormal time of 11: 20. So thats 11 hours of sleep. I did absolutely nothing today except for like 3 minutes of basketball and 9 hours of computer. I guess it's safe to say I spend too much time on computer, then again what else am I supposed to do? READ A BOOK? LOL.

Once tomorrow comes and everyone is done with school, I'm going to do hella cardio, most likely with Jonathan. Hopefully neither of us flake :O.

I had a crazy dream, I KNOW I DID, I just forgot it. DAMN. It had something to do with what I planned about doing ... maybe it was about going back to school. wow hate these brain farts. Note to self but publicly announcing : Jot down your dream so you can tell the world that, tell the world that, tell the world that my Jesus livessss, tell the -- okay sorry.

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