Saturday, June 7, 2008

This is a rant, not an emo post

I will get rid of all these assholes. There has to be another way to get things through. I spend most my life at church, and go through the same things everyday. There have been older kids that have been through the same thing, but they accept their inferiority and go with being bossed around.
I see everyone else as an equal. Sure I call little kids foo's and littlesmallpeople, but I would never take it to the extent as in insulting them to get work. We've all been told to respect your elders, which can start to as little as a year older. This immediately sets up a hierarchy based on AGE. Then those older ones join council, which is like having your nametag with a gold star on it. That gold star allows you to degrade the ones younger than you, and to share the pain they experienced when they were your age.

That shit gotta stop

All of them say I'm overreacting, I probably am, but I am not like those who accept this kind of things. For example, today I see Daniel and J, for short, bringing the table in. Right when they get to the door, J just drops the table, and Daniel is confused. J says to him :

You do the rest, I want to see you do work.

Daniel says:

Why can't you help me?

J says:

Because i went through this when I was your age. Just take it.

Just write an autobiography of all the stuff you hated as a kid and did NOTHING to stop it. Then you can give it to us and tell us we can't do anything, when you YOURSELF did nothing.
I forget, I'm supposed to MAN up and TAKE IT LIKE A MAN. Right, taking it like a man is taking all the crap that comes out your ass and rubbing it on my face. Yeah, real manly.
You go up and tell them your opinion, and continue til you get a fair situation.

They always assure me that "When [I'm] older, [I'll] be able to do this to the little kids." Well that would be great, but I don't want those future YouthGroup to go through what most guys (specifically guys, cause YouthGroup is a matriarchal society,so girls are invincible) go through. My best friend tells me that I will abuse the little kids. First, I'm shocked that he doubts me ... I was kinda ... uh, shocked. Why would I lie about something I'm so strongly against?

I myself cannot take my own advice, cause a) im weaker than most b)they always have some cliche response to me or c)i'm younger

One of which include : Cmon, man, it's for God.
Yeah, God would like to see you call everyone a monkey to get people to work.

They've told me to join council, which is like asking me to be a Nazi. I don't want to be in council because I don't want to be part of a system that puts others down.

Those of you reading are like Then why are you crying if you aren't gonna do anything about it?

My response: Omg! Remeber I r only a little monkee, I have no voice.
You should be able to find out for yourselves, most of us...nvm just about ... 3 of us ... or is it just me... that we/I don't like the way you're running this "holy" place. Who knows, maybe I'll be part of council, then just change the whole place, for good. But there's always going to be someone who has 1 more gold star on their nametag, who will shoot me down.

You- Then just move churches
Me- well maybe I will.

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