Sunday, December 10, 2017

day 34: focus2

youth group. filling the shoes left behind and giving it all up to make sure your children know Your name.

school. being diligent and responsible to find passion and absolutely run with it

em. doing my part in planting roots and participating and establishes the spirit of fellowship in a new community

small group. pursing God in every opportunity by getting out of my comfort zone and learning how to interact with strangers.

praise team. to never be satisfied with the offering but find solace in His courts

family. to be there and to be supportive to each person and to show through example that love conquers all things and God fixes all things.

I look at all these things I want to be able to give fully, and I can't. and I feel like I've cheated each category from giving my full effort.

oh but God, my feelings of failure are eclipsed by the joy you bring me. the river never runs dry and all I need to do is dip my feet and Lord you flood me.

so tired but so alive. the flesh fails but my God you never will hallelujah again and again.

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