Saturday, June 27, 2009

back finally

I can finally get a goddamn 8 hours of sleep. for some reason, i'm starting to miss school, just because it was organized. Yes, I am muy ordenado. Wakeup, eat,shower, school, walk home, computer, TV, sleep. Not the best life ever but it's reasonable. And I do love the reasonable.

I'm too caught up in one aspect of my life that I feel that everything else is rotting like a cheesecake. I do believe this calls for only one thing: rollercoasters. Let's go to Six Flags or something, I have to go kick that Zombie from the frightfest's arse. He's a dick for not letting me take a picture of him.

dumb zombies

in other news, I found two disposable cameras from the church trip to mexico. quite excited to get these filminated.

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