Tuesday, June 30, 2009

thats nice

its damn nice to finally have a blanket over myself when i sleep. this weather is no good..whether you want to disagree or not. its no good

Monday, June 29, 2009



Sunday, June 28, 2009


I played basketball for the first time in a week today. The whole past week has been nothing but labor and it's taking its toll on me :(

but yes, I played again, and was defeated. many times

I think i lost 5 games in a row, won 5. maybe I was just tired, but wow i was sweating like a beast.
probably my fault though, i ate fast food every day at night during the past week. im starting to get a sweaty stomach.

time for a new invention : stomach deodorant

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Very Nice!

today was great because it felt like summer. went to the local burger place for a hotdog (dont kill me), and then spent like 6$ on those vending machines with the toys.

Struck gold man.

The following items
2 Dingos, 2 pokemon keychains, Sarah Silverman action figure, a sticky hand, the Brain, a 8ball, and a ring.

They are on sale in a bundle only, bidding starts at 100$.

Also, another great progression in human history.


Let all with eyes see the glory of this ditch.

2012 here we come

back finally

I can finally get a goddamn 8 hours of sleep. for some reason, i'm starting to miss school, just because it was organized. Yes, I am muy ordenado. Wakeup, eat,shower, school, walk home, computer, TV, sleep. Not the best life ever but it's reasonable. And I do love the reasonable.

I'm too caught up in one aspect of my life that I feel that everything else is rotting like a cheesecake. I do believe this calls for only one thing: rollercoasters. Let's go to Six Flags or something, I have to go kick that Zombie from the frightfest's arse. He's a dick for not letting me take a picture of him.

dumb zombies

in other news, I found two disposable cameras from the church trip to mexico. quite excited to get these filminated.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I'm busier during my summer break than I was ever during school. wtf dude. I have to bust a bone over some dishes and specialed kids. At least I'm getting cash though, unfortunately, it'll be gone in no time. I shouldn't even be stressing over this council stuff and I still have that nagging feeling to just quit before more things come up. Because the last thing I need is more pressure on an already stressed situation.

whered my happy-go-lucky self go :|

hella stupid

its hella stupid when your stupid foot kicks something stupid like the stupid corner of the stupid couch and you always kick the stupid toe of your stupid foot. freakin hell man...now my stupid foot is hurting and i gotta go wash some stupid dishes in the stupid morning for stupid people. fml...just kidding. i love everything except for the stupid moments like kicking the stupid corner of the stupid couch.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

this isnt summer

bewcause im working all day and not sleeping eonough fmkl

Saturday, June 20, 2009

its nice

to realize that all you need is time to lay down in the dark with some friends and pork and beans

Thursday, June 18, 2009

ah busy busy

when the hell do i get free time :(

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

today is freakin nuts man

let me share my first driving experience, since it was so momentable.

So driving is pretty fun, i like when there are no cars around me, so I can be a jerk and shift lanes anytime i want to. I must say that merging into the traffic from a parking lot sucks a lot of lemons. I almost got hit when I entered alvarado niles from the lot.


before I almost got hit, the indian lady instructor told me to park in the parking lot with Jiro and the Korean market. This lady has the nerve to go into the Indian Grocery store and make me wait there for like 10 minutes. what a jerk huh

then I almost get hit by a car bahahbabalbhjlbhab

my time was up, so i drove to the next lessonier's house, who apparently is in my math class.

hes like "hey! you're in mrs. lee's class huh?"

and im all like : Yee boyeeeeeeeeeee
(who der hell is this guy)

As I try to get back into the road from a stopsign, the car in front of me starts to back up.
I just sit there and watch the car back into mine and we collide. My indianladyinstructors all like WADAFAK MAN, and I'm like, LOL HE BACKED INTO US. The dude in the back is all like WTF BRO.

A small azn dude comes out from his noob car and is like
Hey man, nothing bad on your car, nothing bad on my car, go home k?

and im like k.


Today I drove in the ghetto corolla with that ghetto indian. nothing much actually, cept some car backed into me and the ghetto indian was like 

and i was like


Monday, June 15, 2009

Quite the Day

I had a big mac for the first time in my life


And I must say I haven't been missing out on much :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009



So it turns out our garage is borken, but as we(family) were trying to fix it, we heard WEOOOO. I'm like "Aw crap, we're being too loud and now the coppers are gonna take us in". But by a stroke of unfortunatity, it turned into the neighbors driveway. My heart sank a little, but oh well. I got a picture of a FIRETRUCK.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Recess: School's Out

Note to self: watch that movie again.

So woot, school out for forever until fall. So I guess it's time for a SEMESTER REVIEW

Dear future sophomores, if youre awesome like me, you'll want to have my schedule. HERE WE GO

1st period : Coach Guscette
Unfortunately, he retires this year, so you're out of luck. BUT IF YOU DID HAVE THE UNLUCKINESS TO HAVE HIM, you'd experience 2 laps EVERY DAMN DAY, even in the freakin rain. At least the unit papers are easy, which is the equivalent to a test. Also, he has a special stretch that he does while the kids run...if I could, I would show you...but I cant.

2nd period : Mrs. Gallup
You know, at first, I thought she was actually cool. I did all my work, you're typical A student. But near the end of the year, she started being a hoemo. Like straight up ignored me and wanted to destroy every little kid's dream of getting an A. Her finals are stupid hard and don't even relate to the teaching material. Kill her while you get the chance. No, just kidding.

3rd period : Mrs. Lee
Perhaps the greatest teacher ever. She's awesome and let's you do w/e, and never gets mad. She hated me, but it's ok, she didn't care what I did. Just listen in class and she'll show you shortcuts that would have made Algebra II very easier.

4th period : Lunch
At Jimmy's, there's an old white lady and an old mexican lady. The mexican is a BIG JERK, so avoid her always. THe white lady always calls you "honey" or "sweetie" so she makes lunch that much better. eeeh

5th period : Sr. Vazquez
He's hip, he's Mexican, and he likes to wear custom addidas. Chances are you'll never be as cool as him. But he enjoys the effort you make, and thus, he will like you and give you mucho brownie points. Comprende cabron? No me digas!

6th period : Ms. Papas/Ms. Lange
I hate them both with a passion, because they always ask these stupid question that want you to "think". For example, what caused WWII? You could say the invasion of Poland, but noooo, Ms. Lamers always want reason, appeals to emotion, and rape. wait wat

7th period : Mr. Hannigan
I swear if you don't get into the well-behaved class, Mr Hannigan hates you instantly. I had the luck of getting into the BAD class, thus he hated us all. It's hard to get lower than a C in his class, but it's hard to get an A. So it's w.e.

So there you go, Super Smash Sophomores (lol)
wake me up when september ends, eh Pacha?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Logan Basketball : G-Rated

By G-rated, I mean GANGSTA rated.

Today, I decided to play basketball with my friend Cuong. We planned a nice, quaint juan-on-juan game when these two indian THUGZ come out of nowhere and are like


I'm 100% sure they were two special kids from the special class, cause...yeh. One guys name, Big D, or that's what his friend called him, was like straight up aerodynamically enhanced to perform under windy conditions.

Now Big D's friend, we'll call him lebron, since he muttered that out somehow, was threes master. He'd take wild shots and make them somehow.

They decided to play a series of 3, going up to 21. Apparently, we were the Lakers, and they were the Cavs/Magic/and Clippers. Cuong and I were like, stroking everything, making all the spectators JIZZ IN THEIR P
ANTS. Then, they started straight up CHEATING. Lebron was doubledribbling like every dribble, and you know what he says? LEBRON ALWAYS GETS AWAY WITH THE DOUBLE. W/e man, stroke a 3 and FACIAL.

You know whats the scariest thing? When special kids get angry. They're so damn unpredictable. YOu know what they do to me?!
I go up for the rebound, Lebron comes out of nowhere and hugs me VICIOUSLY. I pissed my pants man, I didn't know what to do.

I'm all like, wtf mang, and Lebron tells me (and I quote)
"you know man...man.. you know. .. that happens...you know...man...i ripped like...ripped like 5 shirts playing....you know man...man...things happen...you know...you know man?"

I'm like, w/e. 3's and facial.

Yeh, we won all the games.

Yup, we beat two special ed kids in a game of basketball. Cherish this moment forever.

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Final Final

So here's how the finals are gonna go down.

P.E. Who cares?

Chemistry, should I go for an A? Or be content with my B?

HCM, omfgwtfbbq I have no idea.

Spanish, Sr Vazquez tells me that I need a 15% on my final to pass the class with an A. What am I going to do ;-;

History, NP

English, just gimme the B

This is how its gonna go down. With no frown

Thursday, June 4, 2009

So you want to be korean eh?

I'm sorry, but if you can't meet these requirements, then I'm afraid you cannot become one.

You don't know the requirements? They're in page 5 of your Human Handbook. Here's an excerpt.
The Korean Requisites
If one is to define him/herself as Korean, then one must be readily able to identify to these terms:
A. Must own popular Korean product: "Chocopie"
Chocopies are the symbol of Koreanhood, as it defines the true nature of the Korean. Delicious all the way.

2. The guardians/parents of the said Korean must mispronounce the following words:
B. Syringe
C. Hello
D. Thank
E. (possibly) Earth

If both these requirements are met, then one is indeed legally identified as Korean.

Hot Stuff

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

oh no!

I can't believe school's almost over. I think so far, this has been the best school year because I feel that I know who I am. azn

Anyways, finals are coming up the corner and theyre ready to rape me in the butt so I need to prepare myself (to avoid being raped).

Which I haven't been doing...in chem I play DS, in precal i watch movies, spanish is w/e since I am el heroe, history there's azns that mess with me, and english... the teacher hates me so who cares.

Soon it'll be summer, and worst of all, i'll be even busier than I was during school.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I came upon some Cutter bug spray the other day while searching for a band-aid for my hurting toe (not that you needed to know)

I read the headline, it said "MAKES YOU INVISIBLE TO BUGS".

Then I sat down on the counter and pondered over this. What good comes out of making you invisible to bugs? I did some research and it turns out bugs don't really care how ugly you look.

So riddle me this, Cutter manufacturer demons, what happens if a bug decides to lay its brood on the magically floating clothes they see ( because clothes dont go invisible, go figure ), because they believe a flying shirt is the perfect haven for their children? Yes, now we're screwed, because now we have an useless product that makes you invisible to bugs when we really need something to actually kill the damn thing. I suggest rubbing poison oak on yourself when you go outdoors, keep those pesky pests off of you.

i do not endorse any of my advice, nor use it

Monday, June 1, 2009

Uncle Jonathan's Corncob Pipe!

It turns out now that I am no longer a child. Because children don't have debit cards. Which I have. Thus, I am not a child...which I said already.

Anyways, I have 150$ in my debit, but I dunno what to do with it.

So you might as well ask me for my debit card info and PIN so that you can put it to good use.

Just try! You know what they say :
"60% of the time, it works every time"