Monday, August 4, 2008


When the hell did it turn August?
I still have to make my sparkno-i mean, read the Count of Monte Cristo and take EXTENSIVE notes and write essay...
then I have to read another ...

Something about having long lost unco's and aunts over your house can be quite the show!
First off, you want to make the RIGHT impression. I for one, want to leave the thought on the person that goes like .. :

Hey dud, I can be cool when the time is right, but for now, gtfo so I can go enjoy this five dollar foot long. And no, I'm not giving you a piece... I dont care if this is your favorite kind of bread ... no get off me you asscake, oh, gonna grab now eh? Two can play this game ... what if I grab THIS... wallet... yeah, now you have a dilemma. Delicious sub? or valuable wallet? ... that's right... politely ask for it back, bwahahah you have no hope, no no, I'm going to talk in a annoying but friendly manner... gooood, the sandwich is down... good one, walk to my dad, thats right ... right into THE FIERY VOLCANO OF FIERRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY-NESS.

Basically you want to leave the impression that you accept them, but don't show ALL your traits just yet. Maybe when you get a leg bitten off by a wildebeast.

What? Morgan Freeman in a car accident? Who will narrate the penguins now? WHY...

It is official
Zen MicroPhoto 8gig Silver/White.
You entertained me well.

It is decided, the D2 will be mine!

Getting paid this week ... better be 300$.
Tutoring kids is one thing, but making me go to the ExplOratorium? How dare thou. Do you know what happens when kids go to the explOratorium?! THIS HAPPENS

Fools, you've created another jabbawockey

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