Thursday, May 8, 2008


I've seen this video like
freakin 50 times already
it's so cracklike
i got the script

Blue: Heeey Charlie, hey Charlie, wake up!
Pink: Yeah Charlie, you silly sleepy head, wake up!
Charlie : Ugh, oh god you guys, this better be pretty freaking Important. So is the meadow on fire?
Blue: No Charlie, we found a map to Candy Mountain! Candy Mountain Charlie!
Pink: Yeah Charlie, we’re going Too Candy Mountain , come with us Charlie!
Blue: Yeah Charlie, It’ll be an adventure; we’re going on an adventure Charlie!
Charlie: Yeah, Candy Mountain right, I’m just gonna, you know. Go back to sleep now.
Blue: Noooooo, Charlie , you have to come with us to Candy Mountain.
Pink: Yeah Charlie, Candy Mountain! It’s a land of sweets & joy, and joyness.
Charlie: Please stop bouncing on me.
Blue: Candy Mountain Charlie!!!!
Pink: Yeah, Candy Mountain!
Charlie: Alright fine! I’ll go with you to Candy Mountain.
Pink & Blue Unicorn: Lalalaalaaaalalalaa
Charlie: Ugh, enough with the singing already!
Blue: Our first stop is over there Charlie!
Charlie: Oh God what is that?
Blue: It’s a Leoplurodon Charlie!
Pink: A Magical Leoplurodon!!
Blue: Its going to guide our way to Candy Mountain!
Charlie: Alright guys, you do know that there’s no actual Candy Mountain right?
Blue: Shun the Non-Believer
Pink: Shuuuuun!
Blue: Sssssshuuuuuunnnnn!
Charlie: Yeah.
Leoplurodon: Raaaaawr!
Blue: It has spoken!
Pink: He has told us the way!
Charlie: It didn’t say anything!!!
Blue: It’s just over this bridge Charlie!
Pink: It’s a Magical Bridge of Hope & Wonder!
Charlie: Is anyone else like getting, covered in splinters? Seriously guys we shouldn’t be on this thing.
Blue: Charlieee, Chaaaarlieeee, Chaaaarliee, Char…
Charlie: I’m Right Here! What Do You Want!
Blue: We’re on a bridge Charlieeee!
Pink: We’re here!!
Charlie: Well what’ do ya know, there actually is a Candy Mountain.
Blue: Candy Mountain! Candy Mountain ! You fill me with sweet sugary goodness!
Pink: Go inside the Candy Mountain Cave Charlie!
Blue: Yeah Charlie, go inside the Cave! Magical wonders are too behold when you enter!
Charlie: Yeah, uhh, thanks but no thanks. I’m gonna stay out here.
Pink: But you have too enter The Candy Mountain Candy Cave Charlieeee!
Y: ♫ Oh, when you’re down and looking for some cheering up,
Then just head right on up to the candy mountain cave.
When you get inside you’ll find yourself a cheery land,
such a happy and joyful and perky merry land.
They’ve got lollypops and gummy drop and happy things,
oh so many things that will brighten up your day.
It’s impossible to wear a frown in Candy Town;
it’s the Mecca of love the candy cave.
They’ve got jelly beans, and coconuts with little hats,
Candy wraps, chocolate bats, it’s a wonderland of sweets.
Ride the candy train to town and hear the candy band,
Candy bells, it’s a treat as they march across the land.
Cheery ribbons stream across the sky into the ground,
Turn around, it astounds, it’s the dancing candy tree.
In the candy cave imagination runs so free,
so now Charlie please will you go into the cave. ♫♫♫
Charlie : Alright Fine! Ill Go Into The Freaking Candy Cave! This’d Better Be Good.
Blue & Pink Unicorn: Yeeeeahhhh!
Blue: Goodbye Charlie!
Pink: Yeah, goodbye Charlie!
Charlie: Goodbye? What? Hey! What’s going on here!? Hello? Who is that?

Charlie: Oh God. What happened? …Ohhhhh they took my freaking kidney!



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