Wednesday, March 19, 2008

R.I.P. Harry Briton

Oh how many months we've spent together! Yet, lives end, that's how life work.

The earliest I remember with Gramps Harry was in ... kindergarten? He was my teacher, he was always fun. Always had a way with kids too. The whitest guy (the only at the our church) was probably the most supportive. Count the days, they passed into 5th grade. The sitting-on-lap was over, it was now a simple Hello or a helping hand to carry food. Transitioning onto Youth Group, that is when we lost contact. I'm sorry for ignoring you sir, if I knew time was limited, I would send you thanks. But since your hourglass has run dry, there is only one way to thank you. Publicly.

Thank you for setting up the bases of Christianity to me
Thank you for your everlasting smile on your face.
Thank you for supporting everything the church has done, despite the corruption.

I will meet you in heaven, good sir.

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