Sunday, March 2, 2008

First One.

Welcome to Saturday City. Population : ME.

First off, my motive for int0rn3t wr1ting.
This provides a free source of expressing my own opinions without having anyone else give their input. Also, it's a easy way to flame other without putting myself in danger (unless I get stalked by some crazy psychopath that wants me dead due to my opinions).
So I can call you a faget, ugly, half-wit, toad without any emotion!
Arrogant it sounds, but no one is making you read this.

Before this, I used xanga, until they recently changed the private view look, I don't know how to blog anymore...

Someone who has the lame time to read might ask: Why Saturday City?
I think that Saturday is the best day of the week.
Monday: School starts, sucks. Also Garfield hates it.
Tuesday: School continues, sucks.
Wednesday: It's the middle of the school week, you have that feeling of accomplishment and the other half is OMG I HAS 2 DAIZ LOLOLOLOL
Thursday: No one likes Thursdays.
Friday: Despite the song by The Cure, Friday is test day.
Sunday: I do enjoy going to church, but the thought of Monday makes it bhad.
Also, I've heard Saturday City somewhere...I just forgot where.

Welcome to my Haven of postitude. Make yourself at home, just...don't touch anything....

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why the hell is it so hard to leave a comment here -_-