Monday, March 31, 2008

I've always wanted to list my friends!

First off : This list is not in particular order of likeness, it's just they come to my head first. Next, I haven't added girls because I don't "hang out" with girls. I've also put them into groups and purty colours! Another thing, this is grade related...sort of.

Church Friends
Jason JonathanK JohnK JohnL James Michael Jeremy DanielK JonathanP DavidC DanielC Colin Allen Gene Gin *SP?* aaaand DanielY

School Friends
Clifford BrandonA Brandon David Harris Hares Harrison lolz Kento Eshaan Skylar Roman Sammy Ronnie Brian Nolan Nolen Scatt Cuong Ron Justin Paul Manvinder Amrit AJ YEEKWAH LESGO LOLZ Alejandro Brian Jun Sung David Davis aaaand Johnny

There are probably a lot more... but I'm too tired to search my mind for more.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk - In the warm california sun


Was almost boaring. But it was alright. First we (9th gradees) went to the beach for some volleyball. I killd all, in my own perspective. Then we went to dah boardwalk. VH1 was there and he was sharing his 360 so we played Rockband once. Then we rode the Big Dipper which my opinion, rocks cocks all day.

On the big dipper....goddamn my mouth is big

Then we rode the FIREBALL, which is also fun. It give you a tingly feeling in your butt when you go down though. O, and apparently, Michael is AFRAID of heights. He was screaming the whole way and his face was sort of like ...

For your own good, bring extra food. The things are way to expensive, 6$ for dippin dots. Monopolies suck.

Daniel Kim did a cool thing randomly by picking up rocks and using spoons ...

o baby thats hot.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


I kinda regret not giving a eulogy of Harry. But if I had, it would go something like :
-nevermind :D-

There are just some people who either cannot realize what they're doing wrong, or purposely live to screw people over. Just last night, James, that certain someone, and I were hanging out in the church lobby. James shows me some dance that the church was working to present and suddenly, that certain someone sneaks up and slaps James in the butt.


James just stands there, stunned, and my first impression was : damn he's ghey like crazy. Now there's something about that certain someone that is quite weird. Whenever he does something that make people go wtf... he gives like a forced laugh and punches someone nearest to him. That person happened to be no one, so luckily, I was free from any punches.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

R.I.P. Harry Briton

Oh how many months we've spent together! Yet, lives end, that's how life work.

The earliest I remember with Gramps Harry was in ... kindergarten? He was my teacher, he was always fun. Always had a way with kids too. The whitest guy (the only at the our church) was probably the most supportive. Count the days, they passed into 5th grade. The sitting-on-lap was over, it was now a simple Hello or a helping hand to carry food. Transitioning onto Youth Group, that is when we lost contact. I'm sorry for ignoring you sir, if I knew time was limited, I would send you thanks. But since your hourglass has run dry, there is only one way to thank you. Publicly.

Thank you for setting up the bases of Christianity to me
Thank you for your everlasting smile on your face.
Thank you for supporting everything the church has done, despite the corruption.

I will meet you in heaven, good sir.

Monday, March 17, 2008

One thing that's been ticking me off

You know those white guys, (no offense, it's just the ones I see) who are always like " I lav naruto or Bleech" I really dont like those guys.


If there's one thing I hate more than those, are the non-koreans who are always up to hype about korean dramas. holy sucking fhit. It is extremely lame when a non korean comes up to me and asks me " hey, I've been watching -insert drama- on youtube, can you translate it? " I was about to go crazy. You homominded fool. Go learn the language, or, go find another hobby. There's a poster in the Old Gym that says : So please, let the coaches coach, let the officials officiate, let the players play...

In my case, it's :
So please
Let the Koreans be koreans
Leave the dramas to the koreans
Go back to your own damn race
you wanna be

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


So....I've just got off listening to the Eagle's Hotel California and Stairway to Heaven backwards.

Satanic messages? LOL.
Note: The following post may not neccessarily express the views of me...maybe.

give me any song and some editing equipment, and I'll make it sound like demon music. Am I being unchristianlike? Sorry, but I happen to not take backmasking seriously. It all sounds like a scam to get people away from mp3 players.

Please, don't get me wrong. I adore being a Christian and I adore it's morals. What I don't like is the CHURCH taking over lives. I approve of GOD taking over lives, not the CHURCH.

That is my position on churches.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

It is known!

I've finally figured out why sites like Myspace and Facebook dont seem interesting to me.


Because there is no input for creativity! I cannot express myself in those sites, and I refuse to be part of the "scene". A rebel, I am.

I don't even remember when Facebook became popular... seems that the transition from 8th to 9th grade was the prime moment where countless of adolescents were swooped away by the ... something of facebook. I don't know how people spend time on it... I guess it's not my thing.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dreams : The break from life

I love the good dream once in a while. What is a good dream you may ask? It's a dream you REMEMBER and you feel A PART of. Those are the best ones. Another way to describe it is the literal dreams.

No doubt, the best dreams for me are the ones where I fly. It gives you a sense of all-knowingness, sort of like God. That must be why the Wright Brothers wanted to make a flying machine. They wanted to have a few seconds of Godliness.

One flying dream I can NEVER forget happened a few months ago. I was on a cliff in third person view with one of those triangle shaped gliders. Then I jumped off with some of my friends. Right when I jumped off, it switched to first person. It felt like...going down a STEEP roller coaster. It was freaking awesomez. When i get to Heaven, I want to relive that moment again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again etc.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I believe there are two types of funny.

First off, there's the catch phrase funny.
"The catch phrase funny involves the using of one(1) person and a well knowledge of catch phrases from TV, movies, music...anything that catches on. Then using the knowledge of catch phrases, the person (1) then inserts them into a conversation at the appropriate time"
K, I made that up, and that was pretty hard.

2: The stupid funny
using dumbiness / randonness to provide endless entertainment for awesome aweomesoness.

I'm sort of the numbero 2 myself. :)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Today was a pretty mild school day

Nothing bad really happened, cept for the occasional annoying person.

I think I did well on my tests, I learned that I got a 15 on Chem. Placement test, getting me into chemistry I, that's ok I guess. Imma try and get into Honors though.

This blog segment is dedicated to FOOD.
Actually, it's about a certain food.... that was found in the outskirts of the Union Landing Tony Roma's.
It was about...2 weeks ago. I keep forgetting to write about it. But here it is.
There I was, sitting at Tony Roma's. Johnny and I waiting for our ribs, my sister and Jonathan waiting for the chicken strips. When it got there, it was alright I guess. Until...I saw the certain chicken strip...

...Does it look like anything? I'm not so sure. (Yes, those are rib bones in the background)
Okay. It looks like a PENUS LOL!

This proves that Tony Roma's loves putting female cock into peoples mouths.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

First One.

Welcome to Saturday City. Population : ME.

First off, my motive for int0rn3t wr1ting.
This provides a free source of expressing my own opinions without having anyone else give their input. Also, it's a easy way to flame other without putting myself in danger (unless I get stalked by some crazy psychopath that wants me dead due to my opinions).
So I can call you a faget, ugly, half-wit, toad without any emotion!
Arrogant it sounds, but no one is making you read this.

Before this, I used xanga, until they recently changed the private view look, I don't know how to blog anymore...

Someone who has the lame time to read might ask: Why Saturday City?
I think that Saturday is the best day of the week.
Monday: School starts, sucks. Also Garfield hates it.
Tuesday: School continues, sucks.
Wednesday: It's the middle of the school week, you have that feeling of accomplishment and the other half is OMG I HAS 2 DAIZ LOLOLOLOL
Thursday: No one likes Thursdays.
Friday: Despite the song by The Cure, Friday is test day.
Sunday: I do enjoy going to church, but the thought of Monday makes it bhad.
Also, I've heard Saturday City somewhere...I just forgot where.

Welcome to my Haven of postitude. Make yourself at home, just...don't touch anything....

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