Monday, March 7, 2011


The relationship I share with my dad is not the best. At most times, I find him annoying. When he comes home at 7:30 every night (except Tuesdays), he walks into my room and criticizes the lack of clean in it. Then he proceeds to hover over my shoulder when I'm on Facebook, scanning the computer screen, sucking into my personal space like a leech.

Or if he finds me playing xbox with my friends, he would always complain and tell me that I play too long.
First of all, you hardly see me at all, who are you to tell me that I play too long?
Oh I would have many things to say to him, if I could. However, I prefer to sleep in bed than outside on the street.

I don't see him much. On average, I probably see him face to face about 30 minutes a day.

He doesn't know how to communicate with me. He tells me things I don't want or don't need to hear. He says things that anger me, he says things that sadden me. Things I was not supposed to hear.

Despite all my complaints, I do not have a bad father. I have the greatest dad ever. Every morning he wakes me up at 7:25 (5 minutes before my phone alarm goes off) to prepare me an egg. Then he cuts up an apple and puts them in a ziploc bag and sets it on the corner of the counter over my daily $5 for lunch. Who does that?

I remember one day I forgot to grab the apples, and I checked my phone at lunch. 5 missed calls and 2 texts messages and a voicemail, telling me that I forgot the apples. Who does that?

He used to own this crappy Toyota pickup and sat me on his lap when he drove and let me change the gears on the road. Who does that?

The main point is, although he's not the typical catch-playing father figure I see in the movies, I wouldn't take a dad any other way than what I have now.

I don't know why he's so obsessed with those apples, but whatever.

It must be a Dad thing.

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