Saturday, July 12, 2008

SO yeah im not goin outside anymore

Tired of all these sunburns. Either 60 SPF+ Protection isnt enough or my skin is just burnable. Im going with both.

Went boating with the Ninies,quite fun apart from the sunnyBurn.

So atm I'm packin ice on mah face, for the sunburn.

Crazy dream,

last night I slept about 1:00AM, gettin ready for boating trip. Before i was watching Parent Trap (stfu). Anyways my dream was like, my friend was parking boats as a valet. I wanted to go meet up with him so I had to like ... move my sheets of my bed to meet up. This of course got the sheets wet in the dream. I wake up, and hella sweating ( no midnight leaks thank god). It was like .. 3:00 which sucked cause I couldnt fall asleep again. But yeah, imma need a new pillow todai.

Brb ice

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