Monday, July 14, 2008

I was meaning to type this particular blog but I was too lazy

But here it is

I know a couple of people ... okay it's just one, who are offended 2 the max when people use -emo- and -gay- to describe people.

The Emo
Means : Emotional.
What Emos are doing wrong : Being emotional in public.
No one wants your problems on their colorful rainbow, so go away. If you dress like an emo but are not an emo, then you are a scene kid...which is better than emo, but that means you fake, sort of.

I guess it all comes down on HOW you use the word, as an ADJ., or a NOUN.

I guess I can understand why people get mad when others call each other gay for fun. It's used derogatory-ly and that's indirectly calling gay people sucksy. But Christians are supposed to unapprove of gay people, right samoneems? And gays are hated in the bible, as read in Leviticus, so gays probably aren't christians. But if gays can't be christians, then the great commision has failed? Make disciples of all nations, but almost impossible. So, gays must be christian, but cant be christian, PARADOX?!

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