Tuesday, July 29, 2008

You never ...

You never realize how good it is to have a house until you run on a cold cloudy day to your house after swimming a few blocks away.

You never realize how funny something is until you have another person laugh at it.

You never realize how lucky it is we aren't retro enough until you eat a silkworm.

You never realize how sucky life is until you find out eating glass is bad.

I mean what?

damn that sux yo

Monday, July 28, 2008

Outdoors taught me something valuable

Anything can be made into a mockumentary.
Anything can be made fun of
I need money

Btw I need a new hairstylez. Suggest?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Yeah hes starting it again

I told HIM what Fiery means. And I guess he's still in stage B-1 : Denial.

He was like



Brought to you by

The AOL 8 year old translator.
Best site ever.

Btw, there is no such thing as Feiry -.-
Unless you're talking about fairy,
but i'm pretty sure Revelations
Doesn't talk about Feiry Flames

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

After experiences I've come down to one conclusion

Being in the middle sucks.

And not just being the middle child; the concept of being in the middle just...sucks!

Let's take the example of ... my hair.

Looks great while it's short! But as I consider growing it out, I enter the stage called " The Middle ". In this state, my hair is bipolar, thus is ugly. But it's been about a few months since I got my last haircut, and I can't help but say my hair is OK!

Contrary to popular belief,
The Middle by Jimmy Eat World is NOT the sucks.

Starting tomorrow, I will be doing 5 hours of educational work, WITH pay. Tutoring has got to be the easiest job ever. All I do is sit there, and once in a while I correct things, assign homework., etc etce tefcecevctevctectectectec. 2 Weeks = 100$ pay. VERY sweet.

My brain is cool. I don't know how it works, it doesnt want to tell me how it works; its a rebel, and rebels are cool.
When you try to tell a joke, you either are FUNNY or SARCASTIC.
Let's take an exampole,
Jonathan Kim falls down the stairs in front of a semilarge crowd.


Jonathan Kim falls down the stairs in front of a semilarge crowd.
someone like ... DANIEL: HAHA LOL [Same joke]

In conclusion, there is only one verdict:

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Daniel Yi,
I could not help feeling like slapping you in the face when you made a scene on the pronunciation of FIERY.
It may be spelled like that, but FIER-Y sounds stupid. I guess one could assume that since you areeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..........................................
And to prove my point, here is a recording taken from the DICTIONARY.
Thank you for your time.
The people of Sparta

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Working at a car wash

sucks balls. if you havent already predicted, i got sunburn. Mutha - ffffffffffffffffffff.
I think my skin aids is scarring, pretty gross. so now im packing more ice on my face...
My skin is in mortal danger, sun poisoning is within.

I never understand why I continue with helping Cambodia. Not even going :(
Don't really want to go this year, Camdobia, Vietnam don't interest me. Cripes, my face is numb.

I thought I was grood at basketpall, apparently not. Sign that I must keep working. One day I'll be content in my position in life, then I'll jump in the pond and grab a fish.

May angels lead you in
Hear you me my friend.

wait who?

Quick Update

Just to let you guys know I'm alive.

My skin AIDS seem to be healing... WUT HEALING AIDS?

I didn't get it either.

Hmm... oh. I need cash.

Selling : Koi Fish
Nintendo Wii (FUNCTIONAL)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

So yeah

I have like ... face AIDS. My sunburn was peeling, now I got these red bumps on my cheeks :( Mom says it'll go away in some days but she'll regret that when i turn into that buff dude on Fantastic4. Then I'll have to deal with that fireball...

Monday, July 14, 2008

I was meaning to type this particular blog but I was too lazy

But here it is

I know a couple of people ... okay it's just one, who are offended 2 the max when people use -emo- and -gay- to describe people.

The Emo
Means : Emotional.
What Emos are doing wrong : Being emotional in public.
No one wants your problems on their colorful rainbow, so go away. If you dress like an emo but are not an emo, then you are a scene kid...which is better than emo, but that means you fake, sort of.

I guess it all comes down on HOW you use the word, as an ADJ., or a NOUN.

I guess I can understand why people get mad when others call each other gay for fun. It's used derogatory-ly and that's indirectly calling gay people sucksy. But Christians are supposed to unapprove of gay people, right samoneems? And gays are hated in the bible, as read in Leviticus, so gays probably aren't christians. But if gays can't be christians, then the great commision has failed? Make disciples of all nations, but almost impossible. So, gays must be christian, but cant be christian, PARADOX?!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

SO yeah im not goin outside anymore

Tired of all these sunburns. Either 60 SPF+ Protection isnt enough or my skin is just burnable. Im going with both.

Went boating with the Ninies,quite fun apart from the sunnyBurn.

So atm I'm packin ice on mah face, for the sunburn.

Crazy dream,

last night I slept about 1:00AM, gettin ready for boating trip. Before i was watching Parent Trap (stfu). Anyways my dream was like, my friend was parking boats as a valet. I wanted to go meet up with him so I had to like ... move my sheets of my bed to meet up. This of course got the sheets wet in the dream. I wake up, and hella sweating ( no midnight leaks thank god). It was like .. 3:00 which sucked cause I couldnt fall asleep again. But yeah, imma need a new pillow todai.

Brb ice

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Swimming R Awesome

Last two days I've been swimming at SB (Noona's) house. It is very soothing from the heat. And tomorrow imma go boating... again ;).

I will get sunburn.

Imma bring my new i mean new family camera to trip and see if it r duh work one. Game night tomorrow, hopefully it will be great.

My life is so boarings.

Monday, July 7, 2008

ComfortInn is livable

I think if Quality Motel had a quality, it would be suck. I think there were ticks in there. Someone call the verminators. The only good thing about that room was that the soap smelled nice.

But oh baby hello Comfort Inn. Sexiest motel in wherever I am. I approve of this room.
Does this mean I'm taking the towels?
Does this mean I'm stealing the soap?
Most Likely.
Does this mean I'm dropping the soap?

Visited Hearst Castle, took pix. It's ALRIGHT... good enough for a summer home. Just kidding, I wet my pants.

Sister went to her UCSB orientation. Good luck to her, and RIP :

So looks like I'm moving to Santa Barbara

Just kidding. Busy today, got a camera, I MEAN -family- camera ;)

Here I am in a Comfort Inn, on my sister's laptop typing. On the way here all I've been doing was playing DS like the typical asian i am. Then we stopped by a Carl's Jr to eat. Some girl went into the guys bathroom and came out lookin like O_O.

Santa Barbara ads are really bad. They consist of really old people and selling watches. Very dull, i almost fell asleep. W/e. Never really liked motels, they seem like dirty hoetels. Soon ill be back in good ol' union city, where I will see my Lucy and delicious Snack.

O btw lucy's getting her heat ...
with her bro.

Dogcest at its finest.

S> puppy 10000$

Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July GALORE!

So me and jonathan pitched in to get some fireworks. hellar fun. went in front of SBNoona's house and lit em up. Probably favorite firework is Purple Rain, ya'know?
Some stay dry and others feel the pain

Eventually we used the last of the Sparklers. Those kiddie works I like to call em. Then came the illegal IANRFVDAmW IAM IFVGNA. Ahem. I mean fun works. After we discovered the awesomeness of funworx, Tony does the impossible.


Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

Yeah that was fun. Then we tried target practice

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

So yeah, pretty fun. If only something didn't go wrong ...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Forf of July

=Stardate 7.4.841125=
Today is celebreation for earflings. There is no solid evidence of why we celebreate this event. Perhups this is when this ... Int0rn3ty was invention?

I'm disappointed that my sister used my money to buy KIDDIE-worx. Aka SPARKLERS. I might as well use the ille- i mean "other-state" fireworks. I should invite moar people. It's only me and Jonathan and Jonathan is playing Taiko Drummaster. ... boarings.

These mandarin oranges are dericious. Not even duh chinese either.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

m3 is probably the best buy ive ever bought

so yeah this is a great thingy. probably better than my psp atm. selling PSP : Best offer wins

I have a dream :

So sistar bought meh some fireworks, I plan to light them tomorrow. Goofy people today are lighting em out. As for some Pre 4th of July celebrations, aka 3rd of July.

Update : I think I got better at basquetbol. I'm making more shots. But today I messed up my knee weirdly. I shot, and ran to get it back. Then my knee just shuts down and I fell. I was dazed, and feeling WTF a lot. Grammar needs some work I gguess.

You know you're finished with summer when :
You wake up in the morning feeling like reading the Count of Monte Cristo
You've watched I Love The Millenium on VH1 a million times.
You've watched the Star Wars Trilogy on Spike a million and 2 times.
You've run out of AA batteries. Crap.

6 more days until I get a job, kinda not feeling it now. But if I want my CowON then I have to work for it. Mr Chili's or whatever quotes:
"Money in the hand is good, Money in the heart isn't"

Well something like that.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Oooh Almost forgot my dream

It was SUMMER SCHOOOL. IT WAS TERRIBLE. Basically I woke up (in the dream) and all my friends were next to me like OMG TIEM 4 SKoOOl. I said OK since in dreams you dont know terrible events. I saw all my high school friends and church friends all in Cesar Chavez, which was pretty funny. The school is where Los Robles was cause after school Danny, Charles, and I walked to the 7-11 next to the gas station. It looked normal from the outside, but when I walked in, it was like ... 3 feet wide and 8 feet long. Theres like... one hanger full of Doritos and crap, and there was no cashier. Charles calls out to me and is like : You need food tokens. Wtf?

Then theres another part i remember, apparently its some fat guy who is Wolfman. He goes around eating peoples crops. Fcking weird. Then it's like, some interview with a lady who captured him. Then there's a re-enactment of her perspective and shes saying like He was gettin ready to attack me so naturally I captured him. OK. Then she hands me the captured wolfman and what's weird is that it was a stick. Thin long stick. hella weird. Then I give it to some church person I forgot and he starts boiling it.

Oh and I got my m3 ;)

But yeah, something is giving me crazy dreams. and no I'm not on drugs

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

According to the Verminators

roaches tear families apart. I slept around 2:30 in the mornin watching Verminators because i dunno. Pretty gross to see bedbugs making out with your skin on your sheets. When i finally decided to turn away from the TV, I got hella creeped out of my room cause I felt that there were hella bugs around me. Discovery Channel continues to own my senses.

The past two days I've been reading the Cunt of Monte Cristo. I'm on page ... 14. When I get my Zen from Johnny's house I'm gonna devote an entire day to reading it... maybe.