Tuesday, December 11, 2018

today I ran into a wall

career related, again. but I don't want to whine about it.

not today satan.

I know there's a place I belong, and it's not here. 

I'm going to try my hardest, I promise you God, I will try, because in all things You have called me to excellence. 

but if I don't make it, if I dont make their expectations, if I disappoint them and-

not today satan. 

wherever I am going, however You are taking me there, let it be so. and let me praise You all the way til the end.

I used to want to die a good man, I still do, but let me die a godly man, because in the end it is Him in whom i shall give my testimony. and my testimony will not be a story of my redemption or my glory but it will be an account of how vast the Father's love is for me, and when all's said and done, all that matters is just that 

and only that. 

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