Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wait what?

Yes, it was a movie. But that's not what I'm smellin. I'm talking about when you do/don't do something and the effects of it. Or i think so. Don't correct me if i'm wrong.

You sometimes wonder what would happen if you hadn't done that one thing in your life that you regret. You wonder if you did the right choice, and if it had made the future more ideal to you. That only happens sometimes. I often wonder if a simple decision you make, such as stepping off the curb five seconds later to avoid a collision with a monster truck. Wait what?

Nvm. Cloning a person would be hella weird too. Life would be hella weird. Say you had yo dead momma cloned. YOu would wake up a day after the funeral, and to your surprise, you see the clone making breakfast. You know it's a clone, and everything is the same, but it's a clone. A knockoff. It does not fill the void.

Wait what?

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