Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I think I've said this before but...

"It's what God wants" or "God wants you to" or "It's for the kingdom of God"

is too easily abused.

I'm all up for God, no doubt. But using it to make me buy things? Out of line. Especially when it's during church.

Lately it's been quiet.
I need to be replenished of my...nutrients.

I ate some bugs
I ate some grass
I used my hand
To wipe the ... tears.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Lucy is ONE CLEVER DOG. Today I got back from a nice shopping trip. I slept in the car so my eyesight was a little blurry. I walk into my room and I see a large circular object of unknown properties. I'm thinking, why is there a black plastic bag on teh floors? So, naturally, I tap it with my foot.

Only it's not plastic.


It wasnt even the common poop Lucy .. poops. This was a cross breed between diarrhea and solid feces. I asked my dad to clean it up, cause it was funnier. And when he removed the majority of it, it left a scar on my carpet. A smelly, black/brown scar... which are the color of my new shoes!


Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Inspiration!

This has nothing to do with the title!

I had a goofy butt dream, or maybe it was a vision, I'm a bit dazed..?

this was in the future, the year 20000, and doktors have just found a way to make you live forever. It is done by means of FREEZING, but not like icy freezing, but like TIME freezing. But there is a downside, EVERYTHING about you will stay the same. This includes(But not limited to) : Sickness, infections, personality, feelings, hair length, fingernail length, number of teeth, color of teeth, acne, muscle, borken bornes, Body Odor content (BOC), cosmetics applied, sunburns, etc.

Basically everything.

So I watched as people went in. Some people went in angry, they came out angry, and they will stay angry forever.
Some people went in nervous, they came out nervous, and they will stay nervous forever.
Some people went in _adj__, they came out _same adj__, and they will stay __same adj__ forever.

It was my turn to go up, then i realized I wasn't ready. I haven't discovered what I like and what I hate. Cause the songs you grow to love, never stick at first, i think. LIVE IT UP.

IN OTHER NEWS=======================================================
Jonathan and I went and played bball with some old bangoo and I must say he has an EGGSELLENT shot. Too bad he's old and wrinkly, cause it prevents him from being a productive mover.


Monday, September 15, 2008

[Toy Story Theme] Strraaaange things are happinnin to me

Loosing teeth in a dream signifies a loss in relatives. I had that dream Saturday, asked me mom about it in the morning and was like wtf. We were both afraid for my cancerous aunt, but alas, we can do nothing. Sunday afternoon, my dad's best friend, Art, dies of a heart attack. WTF?

Im gonna have to start remembering my dreams.

IN OTHER NEWS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lucy had two puupies.
My sister is starting to get cranky. Like soulja boi cranky. I think she might be on her period. That would explain the infested toilet ... this is unraveling like A Tale Of Two Cities. If she bitches at me again I swear I will punch her ovaries.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

That's what she said

She said : You'll do fine in H/College math!

I got a 70 on the easiest test of the year

She said : Huh? Regular chemistry? Let me bump you up to H/Chem [which would later be AP]

I switch out to regular chem, now I'm hellar behind.

It's not funny, it's just stupid. [inside joke :D:D:D]

600$ for my new computer... :(

Monday, September 8, 2008


This morning was pretty bad.

I woke up at around 4:30, cause I had to use the bathroom.
I was dazed and not fully awake yet, so I stumbled into the upstairs bathroom.
When I opened the door, I was welcomed by a FOUL STENCH.
This made me wake up.
It was a smell between like ... sour milk and silkworms.
My first impression was : wow Lucy or Snack ( my dogs ) mustve pooped something terrible in here.
It wasnt until I opened the toilet seat ...
I almost passed out.
In the toilet was a congestion of epic proportions.
It was clogged.
It was full of toilet paper.
But this wasn't poop.
This was.
In the toilet seat.
Which could only point to the one reason : female functions.
I almost passed out.
I almost threw up.
It was a mixture of pink and light red.
Blood stains all over the sides of the bowl.
My goodness. It's ALL BAD.

My face was all like ...

Of course i ran out.
And went to sleep, scarred for life.

This is a true story.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

So it turns out i'm being abandoned by my family. I accidentally lost my dad's wedding ring. He was hella trippin and i swear he... nvm I'll just tell you what happened.

It wasn't even my fault. He asked me to hold it. AND SO I DID. I put it down on the kitchen counter, then I proceeded to the computer, which is my natural habitat. 30 minutes later, he calls me down and asks, Where is my ring?

I reply, it's on the counter.

He says, it's not there

I reply, i know i put it there.


So i go down, and to my surprise it's not there. I help him look for it for like forever. No prevail. He started getting frustrated and gave me a lecture on the history of ringology and the history it had between my mom and him. I wuz like OK.
I have this natural face in which i look really bored. I guess he took it really personally and just punched me in the face.

Straight up just whacked me me.

I was like WTF and pushed him back. My mom saw that and she's all like WTF MAN U CANT PUSH POPS LIKE THAT. I was likeLOL YEAH I CAN. Then i pushed her too.

My dad recovered from the fatal blow and was like ok man its over.

He ran into his bedroom and pulled out a rectangular trunk.

My mom was BEWILDERED and begged my dad not to bring "it" out.

I was like wtf is "it". My dad just replied with a faint grin.
In a blink of an eye, he pulled out a red cap, a rediculously ugly green,blue,and white jacket, blue jeans, and sneakers of no obvious brand.

The last article of clothing was pulled out with the most drama. My dad moved in slow motion and pulled a brown belt and strapped it on his bloomy blue jeans.

My eyes were still funky since my dad slapped me, but I could see faint outlines of his figure.

And then it hit me.

My dad was Ash Ketchum, of the legendary PALLET TOWN.

I realized what ENORMOUS trouble I was in. And fled to the safety of the room. I rummaged through the shelves of my room. but I was too late.

My dad's CHARIZARD just RIPS into my room and badly burned me. My dad proceeded into my now-burnt room. He commanded CHARIZARD to use another Flamethrower.

I was now aware of his attacks and dodged it. The attack did burn my shelves. In a stroke a luck, my pokeballs fell out. I blindly grabbed the closest one and frantically threw it at my opponent.

I can hear the gasp of my dad, and I looked up and saw my rescuer : BLASTOISE.

Without a moment to lose, I screamed out my first offense : HYDRO PUMP.
With the obvious advantage at my side, my dad could do nothing but allow CHARIZARD to take the full brunt of the attack. I let out a sigh of relief as CHARIZARD's HP depleted to 0.

My dad bellowed: THIS ISNT OVER YET, and sent out his first pokemon ever, PIKACHU.

I saw PIKACHU charge up for his THUNDER, which would, no doubt, knock out my BLASTOISE.

With cat-like reflexes I grabbed another pokeball and sent out my oldest friend, PIGEOT.

I knew from the second he came out, it was going to be a tough battle. But I believed in my friend and his abilities.
My dad commanded a THUNDER, and I replied with a SAND ATTACK. Luckily, my PIDGEOT had more SPEED, and sand was kicked everywhere. Of course this blinded PIKACHU, and his THUNDER was easily dodged. I decided to take the risk and use PIDGEOT's most powerful attack, FLY.

PIDGEOT summoned all of his strength; all I could do was hope for the best.
I saw PIDGEOT fly down from the sky.
Right into PIKACHU's neck.
I could hear the impact; it was like a crack of thunder.
I had won.

My PIDGEOT gained 44 EXP and Dad gave me 1500$.

Then I went down for dinner, which I saw my Mom and Dad muttering among themselves.
My Dad spoke and said : You need to go now. You are ready.
My Mom said : Here, take these RUNNING SHOES.
My best friend's sister said : Here, take this TOWN MAP.
My doctor said : Here, take this ENCYCLOPEDIA.

I accepted all of these things and went out into the world.

To be the very best.

Oh yeah none of this is real. Like ... none of it :O

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Something about this hot day...

Makes me want to hate weeks more.

So sad man! Chem is way to hard. Must switch soon.

My stuff has been getting lost lately...or STOLEN.
I leave 10$ on my bedstand, it's gone.
I put my tape recorder on my TV, it's gone.
I leave my blank cds on my couch, it's gone.

Gone going, gone, everything gone, give a damn. I DO BRREH

Strange things have been happening.
I've had the same dream for like the past week. Something about me watching TV and then skydiving. Hmmm

Also it's hot. And there's flying bugs. EVERYWHERE...