Monday, May 27, 2019


today is not about my redemption, nor my failure, nor my success;

nor the truths that bring my conviction, nor the lies that I spend too much time thinking about,

nor the commending I received, nor the commending I expect but did not,

it is none of these, for these are things for myself.

today is Yours.

today I bring the fruits of my life to You, the victories and the defeats, I do not leave them at the door, but I bring them both to the altar.

today was worship, a reaffirmation not of what I believe but attesting to who You are:

there won't be a day, that You're not by my side

and You are.

today I give up on the battles. of uncertainty, of bitterness, of hurt and shame, that's enough for today.

I will be still and know You are good.

I will be still and know You are God.

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