Monday, April 30, 2018

praise morning

"we are all instruments of God.

some of us come to church tuned,

some of us come,

needing to be tuned"

when johno was teaching me guitar, he taught me how to tune. fifth fret, except for the fourth to fifth string, that's fourth fret.

I would practice tuning by ear, and I would always be a half step off. every single time. I'd give it to johno and he would plug into his tuner and then he would give it back.

when I played bass, I watched johno tune his electric every moment he got, I thought out of habit at first, but it was because every strum untuned it just a little bit.

I've been feeling "off" a lot lately. I thought that something was wrong with me.

today I learned that I'm not a terrible instrument, I'm just untuned.

and today I was reminded that I'm a terrible tuner.

I prayed something similar as I did on Friday. I asked Him to help me clear the room so that I could see Him. So I could watch Him make something beautiful like He did on Friday.

today I prayed that again, closing my eyes  hoping for another moment where I could just forget about being a drummer and just remember God's goodness.

then I opened my eyes, the room is clear and God is sitting in the audience and He walks up and hands me drumsticks.

"God why did you give me these?"

i want to hear you play drums. that's why I'm here.

"its not going to be much, just like last week. are you going to make it beautiful?"


I already made you beautiful.

I just came to watch.

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