Monday, April 30, 2018

controlled burn

If I say, "I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name,"

there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones

and I am weary with holding it in,

and I cannot.

Jeremiah 20:9

God, I know there's a way.

almost there.

praise morning

"we are all instruments of God.

some of us come to church tuned,

some of us come,

needing to be tuned"

when johno was teaching me guitar, he taught me how to tune. fifth fret, except for the fourth to fifth string, that's fourth fret.

I would practice tuning by ear, and I would always be a half step off. every single time. I'd give it to johno and he would plug into his tuner and then he would give it back.

when I played bass, I watched johno tune his electric every moment he got, I thought out of habit at first, but it was because every strum untuned it just a little bit.

I've been feeling "off" a lot lately. I thought that something was wrong with me.

today I learned that I'm not a terrible instrument, I'm just untuned.

and today I was reminded that I'm a terrible tuner.

I prayed something similar as I did on Friday. I asked Him to help me clear the room so that I could see Him. So I could watch Him make something beautiful like He did on Friday.

today I prayed that again, closing my eyes  hoping for another moment where I could just forget about being a drummer and just remember God's goodness.

then I opened my eyes, the room is clear and God is sitting in the audience and He walks up and hands me drumsticks.

"God why did you give me these?"

i want to hear you play drums. that's why I'm here.

"its not going to be much, just like last week. are you going to make it beautiful?"


I already made you beautiful.

I just came to watch.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

my heart slowly empties

not because of the residents of my heart are leaving.

no no no,
I am pushing them out. 

I need this room, and this too, and definitely need this room.

rooms that once held secrets, shallow dreams, temporary emotions of joy and hurt

I need all these rooms, I'm sorry, but you all need to go. 

I am pushing them out;
because I need room.

the ocean is roaring,
the tide is coming in,

here it is.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

praise night

up until 7:26pm,

I wasn't feeling it.

I fixed the drumheads.

I listened to the playlist a million times.

I watched tutorials.

I posted on drum forums.

I prayed constantly and desperately.

at 7:22, we prayed

and my first words were God, I am nervous and anxious but I don't want to be because I want to give you a proper offering and give these kids a proper worship.

I was about to lock it all away but before the door closed I heard you:

"I want it, all of it"

so I gave up.

I gave up the drumheads, the practices, the prayers, the half time beats, the tissues in my ears, the unbalanced crashes and rusted hi hat

I gave it all to You and You took it away and told me: watch what I can do.

to be honest, I don't remember playing drums today. Jason was praising me for something I did on drums but I couldn't remember what I did when he was explaining it.

I was too busy.


Friday, April 27, 2018

even this

I really really really don't deserve this

but hey,

if You're giving it,

of course I'll take it.

thank you.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


i know who You are

at least, a little bit.

i know who I am to You

honestly, it's still confusing.

i know i am tired

and what im doing is not good

like how I can't even finish my prayers nowawadays cause i fall asleep. 

or how I don't have the strength to push myself anymore.

but i still know,

whether I am sprinting or collapsed on a patch of dirt

You know where I am.

I am in an unfamiliar place again, but i can't help but laugh out loud as I run through brick wall after brick wall 

because this is not another season of tribulations or refinement

this is deliverance through anointing

and of mercy and of grace.

hello again, I knew You'd find me.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

12:23 am

despite all of my __________

God you are welcome here. 

dirt and all. 

Thursday, April 19, 2018


listening (or at least really trying to)

walking (pace yourself)

watching (doesn't mean you can't look around)

stop and smell the flowers.

He planted them there for you.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

if there are a hundred things to say

and ninety none of those are bad

and only one is good,

then say the one out loud

and tell God the ninety none.

hello, me, right now:

1) you are so stupidly undeservinly amazingly lucky.

no, not luck.

nothing is coincidence;

it's divine intervention.

Monday, April 16, 2018

the father's heart

there's no other that can love me like you do

and forever I keep running back to you 


what separates the condemned from the saved 

is not the sin, for both still sin

but the one who is saved

knows where home is.

God, have mercy on me,

not just a sinner,

but the sinner. 

take me from this place,

fill me,

then throw me back in 

we have work to do.

Friday, April 13, 2018

there's no fear in love

you are my good father, who delights and lavishes blessings upon me because of love.

I am your beloved son, who is deserving of nothing and yet is given everything because of love.

It really is that simple 


Thursday, April 12, 2018


God, do you love me?

"Yes, I love you."

God, do you love me?

"Yes. I love you."

God, do you love me?

"Yes. I love you."

God, don't you ever get... tired of saying that?
