Monday, April 28, 2008

Crazy ass dream for a crazy ass kid

If you've ever watched I Am Legend, you'd know that the Dark Seekers come out at night. Well my dream was the same, and it scared the shizzlez out of me.

Instead of vampires, it was more like Zombies. Now thats fuccing scary.

There were 2 settings in my dream.
1. School
This was not James Logan High School, nor any other school in the Tri-County area. This school was like...the college in the movie Accepted. If you havent seen that, its basically like Hogwarts.
Now in most dreams, logic does not apply. So in a split second, it can turn to dusk.
You know how in your dreams, you can see things that a person wouldnt normally see, sort of like a movie. I was in a movie.
Now, the bell rang, but not the bell to go to class. This bell signaled the coming of the ZOMBIES. Now everyone rushed upstairs, and the room i was in was Mr Seaton's class, but the class itself was a room next to the playground at the old church. Several locks were snapped, and we just waited.


2.My Room.
Apparently, there was a freakin party at my house. Now I was well aware it was night out, and there were freakin zombies coming. So i was like LOL EVERYONE GET OUT. Then they all vanished. I locked the front door, windows,and backyard. I even dangerously stepped into the DARK garage and locked that door also. Then i just chilled up in my room and looked out the window.

I had never been more freaked out.

ZOMBIES EVERYWHERE. Climbing up the roof. Lining up outside the door. Scary mang. I heard some omniscient voice tell me : The zombies are attracted to light. So I turned off the lights. That was the worst mistake ever. It was dark, I could only see the outlines. And next to the window, an outline of a zombie. Then i woke up.

2 Days after I had watched I Am Legend, I have a dream.

We start on the jogging trail, I was DIMENSIONALLY WARPED into it. Kinda like the matrix. I was with a group of people, I can't remember all of them, but it included Will Smith and Sabretooth from Killer Instinct. And so, we were walking, and I could see the Dark Seekers just frozen on the trees, probably to avoid the light. And Will Smith gave me a gun, and I shot at it. Then we go to this stand where a creepy ass lady serves us food. She's apparently a good person. THEN IT GOES DARK IN LIKE 4 SECONDS. I point to Will Smith's watch, which is beeping furiously now. He's like : O SHI-. The creepy lady says, GO IN THE CAFETERIA. By now it's pitch black. And there are two huge doors on both sides of our group. Then, it was a Dark Seeker rush. Sabretooth saves me from like 3 Dark Seekers, but ends up getting bitten and turning into one. Will Smith turns to Jack Sparrow and he dies. Then I woke up.

Organization comes later

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