Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Another saturated-fat pumped dream last night

I'll remind myself to explain it tomorrow when I have more time. REMEMBER : Going to korea by self.

STAR testing is finally over. I must say, it ended with a "bang". Today was algaybra II, hardest subject ever to be subjecized.

Whoever invented math, I have the right mind to make a time warp using extensive calculus formulas and geometry figures and many bun cakes.

That'll show em.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Crazy ass dream for a crazy ass kid

If you've ever watched I Am Legend, you'd know that the Dark Seekers come out at night. Well my dream was the same, and it scared the shizzlez out of me.

Instead of vampires, it was more like Zombies. Now thats fuccing scary.

There were 2 settings in my dream.
1. School
This was not James Logan High School, nor any other school in the Tri-County area. This school was like...the college in the movie Accepted. If you havent seen that, its basically like Hogwarts.
Now in most dreams, logic does not apply. So in a split second, it can turn to dusk.
You know how in your dreams, you can see things that a person wouldnt normally see, sort of like a movie. I was in a movie.
Now, the bell rang, but not the bell to go to class. This bell signaled the coming of the ZOMBIES. Now everyone rushed upstairs, and the room i was in was Mr Seaton's class, but the class itself was a room next to the playground at the old church. Several locks were snapped, and we just waited.


2.My Room.
Apparently, there was a freakin party at my house. Now I was well aware it was night out, and there were freakin zombies coming. So i was like LOL EVERYONE GET OUT. Then they all vanished. I locked the front door, windows,and backyard. I even dangerously stepped into the DARK garage and locked that door also. Then i just chilled up in my room and looked out the window.

I had never been more freaked out.

ZOMBIES EVERYWHERE. Climbing up the roof. Lining up outside the door. Scary mang. I heard some omniscient voice tell me : The zombies are attracted to light. So I turned off the lights. That was the worst mistake ever. It was dark, I could only see the outlines. And next to the window, an outline of a zombie. Then i woke up.

2 Days after I had watched I Am Legend, I have a dream.

We start on the jogging trail, I was DIMENSIONALLY WARPED into it. Kinda like the matrix. I was with a group of people, I can't remember all of them, but it included Will Smith and Sabretooth from Killer Instinct. And so, we were walking, and I could see the Dark Seekers just frozen on the trees, probably to avoid the light. And Will Smith gave me a gun, and I shot at it. Then we go to this stand where a creepy ass lady serves us food. She's apparently a good person. THEN IT GOES DARK IN LIKE 4 SECONDS. I point to Will Smith's watch, which is beeping furiously now. He's like : O SHI-. The creepy lady says, GO IN THE CAFETERIA. By now it's pitch black. And there are two huge doors on both sides of our group. Then, it was a Dark Seeker rush. Sabretooth saves me from like 3 Dark Seekers, but ends up getting bitten and turning into one. Will Smith turns to Jack Sparrow and he dies. Then I woke up.

Organization comes later

Friday, April 25, 2008

INSECTS : 1 KEVIN : 5???????

So lately I've had intense battles with the bug nature.

Battle of KitchenTop
Ants had crawled through the cracks of our backyard door and managed to get on top of the stoves, feasting on crumbs. Several times I've requested Ant-Trap (little domes with poison gels inside of them, so when ants bring the poison to teh queen, queen is ded), but no prevail. Thus, I put on an oven glove and commenced raeping the ants with a mighty fist. Score for me

20 Minutes later,
they came back, and infested the bagels.
Score for them

Battle of WindowSide
Some pesky moths decided to kink it out on my window. They got a heapful of Windex and Febreeze.
Score for me.

Capture the Spider
Funny stuff that moment in history. I was watchin TV in my room when something flies across it. It was this fattass spider with amazing web reflexes. I tried to swat it with my algaybra book, but it was very quick. Eventually, I caught it inside my Invisible Cards case, and forgot about it.
2 days later I remember it, and that spider is still beastin it inside the card case, damn. It made hella webs in it, but i Dont know how it survived for 2 days. I threw it outside, but was afraid to open the card case. So I went to the pond, and spotted a lilypad. I opened the box and out came the itsy bitsy spider on the lilypad. It was pretty confused, after all, it was starvin. Then it started deucing web onto the lillypad. Before I knew it, a koi fish swallowed the spider. That was the end of it.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

If STAR testing is hard for you

you're probably not functional. Some guy next to me suffers a head wound and he was able to finish before me.

On ____day, we talked about why Logan sucked at STAR testing compared to other schools. One white kid (just saying) theorized that it's because there's not enough Asians at Logan.


First, there are plenty of asians. Second, you just dont value education enough. Not saying I do, but Asians tend to value it more. Then some Japanese guy (Just Saying) was all like "Well, I think Asians are like that because they want to fit the stereotype of being smart. Just like how black people want to be gangster.


First, not all of them are gangster. Second, you just arent gangster.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

another thing i was never able to understand

I always wondered why disease research always need hefty donations. What do they do with the money? Make commercials asking for moar cash? Do they buy state-of the-art equipment? How state of the art can it get, since they're apparently getting hella donations a day. Or maybe they buy more lab rats to test on. GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY? YOU DECIDE.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I want a job

Right now I'm in the stage of life where you WANT things. A few things I want...

Money (from job)
Cowon Mp3 Player
Better Graphix Card
Better Computer
Call of Duty 4
xbox 360
My OWN guitar
Better TV
A new phone
A diet coke
New shoes
Drivers License

Damn this all.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Im guessing today is national short short day?

Now, I got nothing against girls wearing short shorts, but it would help if they weren't...how would you say it? Unskinny? It would also help if they weren't as white as cotton. Kinda scary

In other news...
Church went bowling today. I think it was epic success. I scored an 83 which is an all time high! (Hold the applause)
-Brandon Shin came to visit. Its alright
-I've had my first cold in like ... 2 years? It's hitting me hella hard

I finally ordered my sexy jacket. Prepare for it ... it's coming.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Interesting Weekend...

It was a memorable weekend it was. First on sundayz, I went to the shooting range with my dad, his friend, Johnny and Jonathan. I think I'm quite the marksman, but Jonathan came out on top. Forgot what gun it was, but it was weaksauce compared to the one I heard when first arriving at the shooting range. Every 2 seconds it was...
Pissed my pants I did.

Then I watched Sar(s) Wars on Spike.

Ty Johnny for letting me borrow your guitar :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

I'm Done...Homg

So.. for the past week I've been working on the Poetry Project of Mega Awesome Poems, which now persuades me to HATE poetry.

Kinda weird, last night I was finishing it last night, I went to sleep at about ... 4:30? I finished at 1:30, but I felt that i was neglecting Brain Age II which was collecting dust on the DS. So, I played that for like 2 hours. Then I fell asleep. It's goofy, I feel more awake than mornal.

Happy b-day to mi madre 4/4/08..BC. LOL BURN.
j/k I lav mi mamma, she's couf.