Thursday, February 14, 2019


He has given me a mind.

I can think.

I can dream.


I can lie to myself.

I can be thoughtless.

But as I have a beating heart, I also have a living mind. One that is made in the image of the author and Creator of what I can see and what I cannot.

That can feel passion in the way one curates a bouquet, giving it life in it's arrangement, and so simply gives it away, because he knows it will bring joy to the recipient.

that can understand the depth of joy and satisfaction and completeness with someone who was once a stranger but now locks fingers, inseparable in life and metaphor.

that can stand in awe of life, alive and dead, moving and still, sculpted and existing, surrounding and praising as if surrounding the throne room of the Wise and Almighty One.

I have a mind.

I have an imagination.

and let me testify to how beautiful my God is.

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