Monday, January 1, 2018

day 56: new

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19

I really wanted to run into 2018 with bliss but I ended up tripping on something and straight into mksn's office as a horrible mess and covered in tears. God is funny.

this year, I want to be fearless. fearless as in, I know I have fears and hesitations, but these things are completely eclipsed by God and all His splendor and goody goody goodness.

I want to be vulnerable and unashamed of who I am, so that in every aspect of my life, God can break, mold, and restore me however He sees fit.

I want to be joyful. Life is good, but life with God is good-er.

thank you God for your faithfulness, thank you God thank you God thank you God.

be magnified and glorified in my life, and keep taking me deeper.

Goodbye 2017, I leave you behind because I have a crazy God who is going to do great things, and He needs space.

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