Tuesday, August 25, 2009

how goofy

today was schedule pick up day. they told us to bring our parents, but I didnt because Im a coolio kid. but it turned out you HAVE to have them to get your junk, so I had to wait for my dad. then it was PICTURE TIEM, naturally, i suck at posing. The lady was like "alright...feet on the ground...yes...hands on your lap...bring your hands up more...bring in your face...relax your shoulders (she didnt realize that my shoulders are so duh strong one lolol), tilt your head...point your nose toward here...bring down your chin...tilt a leetle more, bring down your chin...tilt your head moar...ehh...smile...oh boy... FLASH

theres the pretty face eh>
then i collected my 5 textbooks then went to union landing for hours of nothing...while carrying those damn books. it sux, but now its w/e.

i still have to finish my summer work. boopoopoo

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